:: may :: june :: july :: august ::
this is the new and improved soapbox. i'm going to still keep the old one, should you want to read my old ramblings... but this one will be much better.ap's are over, finally. i hope all that studying paid off, but we won't know until july... which is a long way away. i don't think i placed out of anything tho... since physics was the only test they accept, and i definitely did not get a double 5.
oh, and i'm going to MIT!! wahooo :)
i`ve been cleaning my room (audible gasp heard from loyal readers), and i found so much stuff from years and years ago. the really sad part is that i haven`t kept in touch with these hilarious, wonderful people from cty and such summers. where is jill today? christina? hannah? should i try and write to them, or just let it go? would it even be worth it?in the room the women come and go
talking of michelangelo.:: back to top ::
pulled another all-nighter last night... i have to start doing work again. my so-called "work ethic" is nonexistent. but it is a lot more fun to go online and try to design webpages than stay offline and write senseless essays for senseless teachers.remind me to yell about randy cohen, the ethicist. but not today... i`m asleep
you know u2`s song "beautiful day"? like joanne said, it kind of just grows on you... the first time i heard it, i was like: this song sucks. gross. but now, whenever i have a wonderfully wonderful day, i get it stuck in my head... "it`s a beautiful day..."
my grandma came on sunday... i haven`t been online because i`ve been cleaning my room all weekend :P it actually looks very nice now, and i`m sooo glad my grandma is here... i get someone amusing to talk to at home, for once. and the best thing is, she hasn`t changed over these 11 years. she`s still the same as when i was 7 and when i was 12...06.06.01
i talked with my grandma about the cultural revolution a couple of days ago... and i am so glad to be living in america. this country rules, and those people who complain that they want to move to some other god-forsaken socialist country don`t know how lovely their life ishere. in chinese, america is "beautiful country". and that`s what it always will be to me.06.17.01
i went to get a haircut in flushing yesterday. after sitting in the smelly place for 2 hours (had to wait for mom and grandma to get hair done first. ever notice that only ASIAN hair salons have that smell? no others do), i came out with the quintessential taiwanese teenage girl haircut. you know, shaggy and layered, kind of like an overgrown dog-type thing. very interesting.:: back to top ::
wow, i haven`t updated this thing in too long. so yeah... i graduated back in june. it was... interesting. now i`m working as an optometrist`s assistant. which means that i basically do all the little jobs around the office that nobody else does, plus a few of the more important things like use our advanced vision computers with the patients. the strange thing is, i don`t hate my job... but i don`t look forward to it eagerly, either. i never thought i`d be one of those people who just go along with life... living by default. it`s frighteningly middle-class.07.17.01
there`s this woman where i work... she HAS to be the stupidest woman on earth. today, she did three things: 1) talk about our saturday policy of ordering from the deli for employees 2) talk about what she had for lunch 3) call patients to confirm their appointments for tuesday. 6 hrs of work and that`s what she did. it wouldn`t be so bad, except that i had to stay after for an hr and a half to do what she didn`t do >:O she`s really freaky looking too... she puts 3 billion layers of powder on so that she looks like a demented chinese opera star. she has this hair which i can`t figure out if it`s a wig or real hair bleached then colored with a yellow magic marker. she puts on her mascara in clumps so that it looks like she applied it with a freaking pinecone... oh god i will be so glad when i won`t have to see her face after august...07.18.01
it`s sad: the web is dying. so many wonderful sites have gone down... like ecircles. and now quickdot is discontinuing services, too. pretty soon i`m going to have to resort to EMAIL to maintain contacts... how very 1995 :P the fact that i didn`t get email until 1999 has no bearing on this statement.07.21.01
i just saw the fast and the furious… very amusing. it had hot guys, hot cars, and great lines like “you should have gone to, like, MIT”. so what if the plot was so thin you would have mistaken it for callista flockhart? so what if the acting looked like the performance put on by my sister’s third grade class? who cares if the storyline is as contrived, old, and overused as madonna? all that matters is that rick yune and paul walker were in it, doing interesting stunts and shooting random people. yummy.07.27.01
i just received 5 copies of yell-oh girls... and wow. i`m impressed. so many of the pieces in there are so incredibly well-written... and i identify with so many of their stories. at the same time, i see so many similar underlying themes that i begin to wonder about the differences that set us apart. is the asian-american girl experience so common that a 300-page book about us is necessarily redundant and superfluous? or is it just that for the first time in my life, i feel like the "norm"? and yet... i wonder... if i met these girls, would we have much to talk about? or would we know each other so well that we wouldn`t need words to communicate?07.30.01
the search for dunnder, marci
i wish they hadn’t put this skylight
i can see freedom
rising as two enormous branchesand i rise too
but another direction
how i wish i was part of that world
the real world
because this is fraud
a world without scripted dioptrons and the 90-second rule
a world without rehearsed exams and the manual
a world where i can make a buck without deceiving marcithe office assistant is expected to be an understanding receptionist,
knowledgeable technician,
helpful bookkeeper,
efficient cleaning lady,
part-time babysitter,
and all for minimum wage.now i know how lauren felt
the elusive lh
it is no longer a glass ceiling
but a steel-reinforced liefreedom is not for me
not today
this is jennifer speaking
this is jennifer,
is jennifer speaking?
how may i help you?
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i got home from d.c. friday night... and what a week it was. we visited mt vernon (george washington had a 16-course dinner everyday from 3.00pm to 7.30pm followed by 2 desserts and dancing), the newseum, and sundry other tourist traps. we saw rush hour 2, and i *finally* saw the first american pie. both were amusingly stupid movies. friday afternoon, we took a "cruise on the potomac", and i had my first taste of champagne. delightful stuff: tasted like a mixture of piss and vinegar.the most interesting part of the mini-vacation by far was the following advice from a fortune cookie. the antithesis to my entire life :)
HAHAHA imma genius."sir, please put your forehead in the cup and your chin against the bar." hahaha.
yesterday was my last day of work… yay! i’ve been “packing” and reading doug adams
“i always thought that about the garden of eden story,” said ford.08.22.01
“garden of eden. tree. apple. that bit, remember?”
“yes, of course i do.”
“your god person puts an apple tree in the middle of a garden and says, do what you like guys, oh, but don’t eat the apple. surprise surprise, they eat it and he leaps out from behind a bush shouting ‘gotcha’. it wouldn’t have made any difference if they hadn’t eaten it.”
“why not?”
“because if you’re dealing with somebody who has the sort of mentality which likes leaving hats on the pavement with bricks under them you know perfectly well they won’t give up. they’ll get you in the end.”
“what are you talking about?”
“never mind, eat the fruit.”
“you know, this place almost looks like the garden of eden.”
“eat the fruit.”
“sounds quite like it too.”
packing for college should be easy, right? you just stuff everything you own into suitcases… no hassle over what to bring – just “bring it all”. shouldn’t take more than 2 hours at most.yeah. right.
i`m leaving later today (at 6.30am) for the great unknown. i expect each and every one of you to write 30-page emails to me within the next week. my computer`s arriving next fri, so i may not be online until then... so have fun all, and ttyl.
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